Do you care about?
Living wages and economic opportunity
Affordable, accessible healthcare
Quality education
Fairness and dignity for all
Open, honest government
Our Mission
To elect Democrats and deploy Democratic values and principles in government, as we serve the interests of our people in Marquette County
Whether it’s subscribing to our email list to stay informed, Attending a meeting, volunteering to help, becoming a member, donating, or joining a related group there are plenty of ways to get involved at a level you are comfortable with!
Subscribing to our mailing list is a great way to start getting involved!
Helping to get democrats elected is always a grass roots effort and you, as a volunteer, are ESSENTIAL to our success!
If you live in Marquette County you automatically join the Marquette County Democrats when you join the Michigan Democratic Party.
YOUR SUPPORT MATTERS!! You can donate to the Marquette County Democratic Party by using a debit/credit card or PayPal account or sending a check and needed information in regualr mail.